My wife, Meredith and I both love business and real estate investing, so when the iconic A-frame on Evergreen Parkway became available, we couldn’t resist the opportunity to scoop up this part of Evergreen’s history and establish Roofing Outfitters in such an ideal location. The building has been home to several local businesses through the years, but first and most notably, it was the site of the original Mountain Parks building. In fact, the sign still hangs in our office. We know the importance of this building to our community and invite you to come in to check out what we’ve done with the place.
It truly has been an honor to to restore this building. The bones were in great shape, it just needed a little love. We’ve updated the space inside and out, with not only preservation in mind, but also a comfortable, welcoming environment. Our goal is to be an integral part of this community that we call home–for work and in our personal lives; so please don’t hesitate to stop in for a cup of coffee or a local business referral. Evergreen has so much to offer those who are willing to explore and seek out adventure, friendship, and community, and we are so happy to be a part of that.
Roofing Outfitters, S Corp
30406 Bryant Dr.
Evergreen, CO 80439
Phone: 303-221-6005